Why is my Jaw Sore?


Do you know why?

If you are suffering from any kind of jaw problem, I’m sure you’ve wondered “why me”?  Well, jaw pain doesn’t just develop indiscriminately.  There is usually a reason, or at least identifiable risk factors that can explain why one person develops a TMJ issue.

Take the test to see how many boxes you “tick” in the list below of factors often linked to an increased risk of developing jaw problems.

  • female
  • age group 20-40 year old
  • hypermobile joints (ie. do your elbows straighten too far? Can you bend your thumbs forwards onto your wrists)
  • clenching/grinding teeth
  • had significant dental work done previously (eg. posterior teeth removal, braces)
  • significant life stress
  • also experience neck pain and headaches
  • trauma (eg. sports collision, car accident)

If you ticked more than 2 of these boxes, congratulations!  You are a prime candidate for having, or developing TMD.  Obviously there are still people outside of these categories that experience TMD, but these are the characteristics of people that have been linked most commonly with a higher incidence of TMD.

Statistics indiclenching jawcate up to 1 in 8 people experience jaw problems, but that less than 20% of those actually seek out help.  This may be due to lack of knowledge, or not knowing who to go to or where to start.  Unfortunately that means there are a lot of people out there just like you who are suffering without any help or treatment.  The difference is, if you are reading this, you are already 1 step ahead of the game by educating yourself and taking the first step to learn how to RESTORE YOUR JAW.


Look out for our other blog posts and our free eBook which has useful advice and tips for helping your jaw get better!